Friday, October 12, 2012

Board of Trustees Votes Unanimously to Increase Tuition

By Shawmaf Zane Khubba

On July 26, 2012, the Board of Trustees of Montclair State University unanimously voted to increase tuition (including the “elected” Student Trustee Alex Bychkov) by 3.9%, making tuition over $11,000, and increasing the trend of making education a privilege of the wealthy and not a right of citizens of a democracy.
This decision would have passed over in silence—as intended by the administration, who barred students from speaking at their meetings—were it not for members of the student activist group on campus, Students for a Democratic Society, and several of their allies, who voiced their opposition. The activists showed up at the meeting with dissenting picket signs in their hands and black duct tape over their mouths, in accordance with the no speaking rule. They waited as each of the trustees voted until Alex Bychkov, the student trustee, showed his loyalty to the administration by voting in favor of the tuition increase. At this point, the dissenting students, outraged (but not surprised), began to shout: “SHAME! SHAME! SHAME!”. They shouted until the board members adjourned the meeting early and slithered out of the room. Susan Cole, the President of MSU, left the quickest, before any light was cast on her extravagant salary and benefits, which have been increasing just as steadily as our tuition. On her contract for the year of 2011, a $125,000 bonus was justified as an “incentive” for her to stay. Apparently the incentives of our educators are of no comparable import, as their salaries and benefits have stagnated, despite inflation.
About a week following the meeting, several members of SDS, some of whom were not even at the meeting, received a letter from Dr. Karen L. Pennington, rebuking them for their protest and admonishing them that further such actions would result in “disciplinary action”. Moreover, in a comment infused with irony, Pennington informed them that their actions constituted censorship of the board members. Apparently it is not censorship to squelch the voice of students at meetings addressing matters which concern them directly, like where their tuition money is going to be spent.


By Carter Pan-Jacobs

This past Wednesday, the 26th, the SGA Legislature heard a
controversial resolution in which Montclair State's student
government, the representatives of the students' interests, speak out
against the war in Afghanistan, which "celebrates" its eleventh
anniversary on October 5. The resolution was met with strong
resistance by the Student Veteran Association, who read it as
anti-military. The resolution's author, Mark Ludas, defended his
positions, noting that he employed the input of a veteran, Chief
Justice Gil Balanzat, in writing the resolution in order to maintain
neutrality towards the armed forces while directing the disapproval
squarely at the endless war itself.

In a tense back-and-forth, Ludas admitted the validity of the
Veterans' desire to be involved in the writing of such a bill. Rather
than force the issue and see it fail among an increasingly negative
narrative, the resolution was tabled pending collaborative revision
between Ludas and the Student Veterans. "I feel more came out of it
this way than if we'd just pushed through a resolution that left some
people feeling hurt or ignored," Ludas said. "The new resolution will
have even more legitimacy."

Interview with Missa Ferguson

By: Greg Tuttle
Greg: As a commuter do you feel that there are services that could be implemented better?

Missa: Parking is a stick up my ass. I also have terrible food allergies and I can't eat anything on campus (gluten free food). Any service for commuters is not well advertized. There should be some sort of short term parking that doesn't cost an arm and a leg for students who are only on campus for a short period of time. 

Greg: What is the atmosphere like here at MSU?

Missa: It's not as welcoming as it could be. Campus is unattractive, not charming when they're ripping my school apart its not happy. It's like high school but bigger and uglier and I have to pay for it.